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Changes you made may not be saved.'; }); } } function GetPageOffersPromise ( page_break_override ) { var http_request = "/inc/offermanagerhelper.php?lead_instance_id=" + $('#edit_lead_instance_id').val(); http_request = http_request + "&email=" + $('#edit_email').val(); http_request = http_request + "&firstname=" + $('#edit_firstname').val(); http_request = http_request + "&lastname=" + $('#edit_lastname').val(); http_request = http_request + "&afid=" + encodeURIComponent( $('#edit_afid').val() ); http_request = http_request + "&sid1=" + encodeURIComponent( $('#edit_sid1').val() ); http_request = http_request + "&sid2=" + encodeURIComponent( $('#edit_sid2').val() ); http_request = http_request + "&sid3=" + encodeURIComponent( $('#edit_sid3').val() ); http_request = http_request + "&crid=" + encodeURIComponent( $('#edit_crid').val() ); http_request = http_request + "&page_break_url=" + encodeURIComponent( page_break_override ); http_request = http_request + "&state=" + $('#edit_state').val(); // Submit return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { $.ajax({ url: http_request, dataType: 'json', async: true, success: function(json) { var valid = json.response_code; if ( valid === 1 ) resolve(json.response_data); }, error: function error(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { reject(jqXHR.responseText); } }) }); } function CoregReset () { $('#edit_firstname').val(""); $('#edit_lastname').val(""); $('#edit_address').val(""); $('#edit_zip').val(""); $('#edit_dob_month').val(""); $('#edit_dob_day').val(""); $('#edit_dob_year').val(""); $('#edit_firstname').removeClass("error"); $('#edit_lastname').removeClass("error"); $('#edit_address').removeClass("error"); $('#edit_zip').removeClass("error"); $('#edit_dob_month').removeClass("error"); $('#edit_dob_day').removeClass("error"); $('#edit_dob_year').removeClass("error"); if ( $("#edit_city").attr('type') == 'hidden' ) { $('#edit_city').val(""); $('#edit_city').removeClass("error"); } if ( $("#edit_state").attr('type') == 'hidden' ) { $('#edit_state').val(""); $('#edit_state').removeClass("error"); } $('#edit_age').val(""); $("#edit_coreg").val(0); $("#edit_coreg_tcpa").val(0); $("#div_coreg_tcpa_checkbox").removeClass("error"); $("#coreg_tcpa_checkbox").removeAttr('checked'); } function SetLocalIP ( ip ) { local_ip = ip; } function AjaxPost ( stype, async, url, data ) { if ( stype != "" && async != null && url != "" ) { $.ajax({ type: stype, url: url, data: "", async: async, cache: false, success: function(encoded_result) { //json = JSON.parse( encoded_result ); //ret = json.response_data; }, error : function error( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) { //alert(jqXHR); //alert(textStatus); //alert(errorThrown); //alert(jqXHR.responseText); //DisplayMessage(jqXHR.responseText, '', ''); } }); } } function LoadSubmitEvents ( form_id ) { var page_pop_ups = $("#page_pop_unders").val(); if ( page_pop_ups ) { try { var page_pop_ups = JSON.parse ( $("#page_pop_unders").val() ); for ( control_id in page_pop_ups ) { LoadSubmitEvent ( control_id, page_pop_ups[control_id], form_id ); } } catch (e) { } } } function LoadSubmitEvent ( control_id, popup, form_id ) { if ( control_id != 'body' ) control_id = "#" + control_id; $(control_id).click(function() { $('#' + form_id).trigger('submit'); if ( !is_form_valid ) return false; var ctr = 0; popup.forEach(function(item) { //if ( ctr < 1 ) // limit to 1 pop at a time // { // if ( item[3] != "1" ) // { sUrl = item[0]; sUrl = sUrl.replace( /\%25%25email%25%25/g, $('#edit_email').val() === undefined ? 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